Een ogenblik geduld a.u.b.

Updated version Euregional Health Atlas live

author: Hanna Neve


The Euregional Health Atlas is a platform for collecting, sharing and creating knowledge on citizens of the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion (EMR) and Rhine-Meuse-North Euroregion (ERMN).

Platform for cross-border information

Since the end of 2019, euPrevent has been presenting cross-border data within the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion (EMR) on this website. The Euregional Health Atlas presents data from euregional projects and general statistics about demographics and health, relevant for the borderregion(s). With this recent update the website has become more user-friendly. 

Expansion of cross-border data

As of now also cross-border data of the Rhine-Meuse-North Euroregion (ERMN) is added to this website. More explanation about the different geographival levels which are presented on this website can be found at Sources and Methods