Een ogenblik geduld a.u.b.

About the Atlas

The Euregional Health Atlas is an initiative by euPrevent. Within this euregional network partners seek to increase the quality of life of residents in the border region between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The Euregional Health Atlas is a platform for collecting, sharing and creating knowledge on citizens of the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion (EMR) and Rhine-Meuse-North Euroregion (ERMN). This website is maintained by GGD Zuid-Limburg.

For whom

The Euregional Health Atlas is meant for anyone with an interest in the health and well-being of the inhabitants of the EMR/ERMN border regions, and especially for professionals and policymakers. The information is suitable for advice, policy-making, research, funding applications or simply for inspiration.


Studies show that European border regions suffer from higher unemployment rates, worse health outcomes, ageing problems and greater poverty. Reality is that 37% of all European citizens live in a border region, and this demands a different method of data usage.


The data on this website are publicly available and free for anyone to use. When referring to information from this website, please use the following guideline: Always state that the data comes from and also mention the specific study and year.

Visual: Euregional Health Atlas in a nutshell